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    ab cheats download best

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    Arch Linux. You are not logged in. Index » Multimedia and Games » finally! quake live for linux!! #1 2009-08-14 16:52:18. finally! quake live for linux!! [. ] Quake Live would soon be adding support for Linux and Macintosh systems. Users who want to catch an early glimpse of the enhancements can do that at QuakeCon, since both versions of the plugin are available for testing on the show floor. Non-attendees will have to wait for the update that is scheduled to come on August the 18th, this Tuesday. Last edited by schuay (2009-08-14 16:53:11) #2 2009-08-14 17:02:29. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Awesome! , add me as a friend, I am daf6666 maybe we have a match together or something. #3 2009-08-14 17:28:23. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Awesome news! Well done. In scientia veritas, in arte honestas. #4 2009-08-14 19:11:13. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Great, I've been waiting for this for a while. Now I really won't be able to get anything done in class on my Eee PC. #5 2009-08-14 19:26:09. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! sweet. i'm waiting since it got released first time. Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think. #6 2009-08-14 20:27:09. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! OH YEAH. *Screams like insane* I've played it a couple of times on Windows, but now I can finally play it hardcore. Btw, I also found this a piece of new a few minutes ago and I was going to post it here, but you were faster than I. Edit: F*CK! My schools starts next Tuesday! Noooo! Last year in the upper secondary school, don't know how much I can play. Last edited by Exitium (2009-08-14 20:29:34) #7 2009-08-14 21:48:17. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Woot. Surprised nobody on Ubuntu Forums posted this yet. News spreads fast there My name on it is doorknob60 so you guys can add me when it comes out. #8 2009-08-14 23:38:59. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Woot. Surprised nobody on Ubuntu Forums posted this yet. News spreads fast there. I'm surprised that it isn't on slashdot yet, usually they jump at anything linux related. #9 2009-08-15 11:04:48. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Great news! I'm PanDocent on QL - always ready for a duel! By the way, I've been watching the tournaments at QuakeCon all day, really entertaining. ( http://djwheat.tv ) #10 2009-08-15 18:42:39. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Jeah, i'll hope this will work wtih the radeon driver. #11 2009-08-15 18:52:44. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! awesome news! I've been playing openarena for a while, but with this coming along I can't wait! #12 2009-08-16 12:10:18. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! wootwoot add me as 'emallson'. #13 2009-08-16 12:45:36. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Does it require some kind of browser plugin? #14 2009-08-16 13:45:43. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! I'll stay with ioquake3 and CPMA. The vanilla-physics of Quake III don't exite me. And idSoftware is dead anyway. No Wolfenstein and Rage for Linux. That's all I need to know. And after the appearance of Carmack at the WWDC in 2007 I was expecting such a step. At least UT3 is still being ported, even though I'll never buy it, due to the boldly two year delay. I won't fire up Mac OS X just to play two games that could easily have been ported to Linux because of id's businnes-decisions. This is a fist in the face of all Linux-gamers and we should stop buying game-titles that aren't running on Linux. #15 2009-08-16 17:13:09. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! I'll stay with ioquake3 and CPMA. The vanilla-physics of Quake III don't exite me. And idSoftware is dead anyway. No Wolfenstein and Rage for Linux. That's all I need to know. And after the appearance of Carmack at the WWDC in 2007 I was expecting such a step. Rage is coming for Linux. Or "likely", as id said, but they have always said like that for every game. Wolfenstein is not coming for Linux because it is developed by Raven and published by Activision. #16 2009-08-16 23:25:15. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! I just tried finding an english article with parts of the interview with Carmack. I'm from Germany, so I can only provide this german article: http://www.golem.de/0907/68491.html. Carmack says it's highly unlikely for Rage and Wolfenstein to gain native Linux-support. #17 2009-08-16 23:35:19. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! I love ID! Hopefully it'll work with the open source driver. catalyst is just pain in the ass. #18 2009-08-17 01:01:55. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Really nice, I think this is what my penguin would like to try. After all, it should work just fine after this lenght of "soon". #19 2009-08-17 13:37:37. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! I just tried finding an english article with parts of the interview with Carmack. I'm from Germany, so I can only provide this german article: http://www.golem.de/0907/68491.html. Carmack says it's highly unlikely for Rage and Wolfenstein to gain native Linux-support. Edit: Honestly, Linux has gained more market share in the past few years (especially thanks to Ubuntu). So it would be stupid to stop Linux support now. This is just what I'm thinking. Last edited by Exitium (2009-08-17 13:41:07) #20 2009-08-17 18:14:06. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Edit: Honestly, Linux has gained more market share in the past few years (especially thanks to Ubuntu). So it would be stupid to stop Linux support now. This is just what I'm thinking. Honestly, Linux has not gained any more market share in the past few years. Mac OS X has, not Linux. #21 2009-08-18 10:18:06. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Quakelive.tv interview with the guy that did the Linux and Mac ports, at QuakeCon: #22 2009-08-18 15:15:33. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! I've been in the private beta testing of the linux plugin and it works great for me with the latest firefox and ATI Catalyst Drivers. It actually runs faster than in windows 7! I can't wait for it to open up today and play with the public! Last edited by ks1 (2009-08-18 15:16:02) #23 2009-08-18 16:18:25. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! I've been in the private beta testing of the linux plugin and it works great for me with the latest firefox and ATI Catalyst Drivers. It actually runs faster than in windows 7! I can't wait for it to open up today and play with the public! Thanks for the word. Good to hear it works well. Makes the wait a bit easier. #24 2009-08-18 17:09:18. Re: finally! quake live for linux!! Quakelive.tv interview with the guy that did the Linux and Mac ports, at QuakeCon: ROFL, the microphone Interesting interview though.. And he doesn't want to comment on id's source code? "The linux crowd tends to ask for what they want, the mac crowd tends to thank you when they get it." Last edited by schuay (2009-08-18 17:10:56)




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